Uniform Complaint Procedures
Any person or organization wishing to file a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with state or federal law in Adult Basic Education, Consolidated Categorical Programs, Migrant Education, Vocational Education, Child Care and Development Programs, Child Nutrition Programs or Special Education Programs, should contact the Superintendent's Office. A copy of the district's complaint procedures and administrative regulations will be made available upon request. Under some circumstances, specified under Sections 4650-4651 of Title V, complainants may ask for direct intervention by the California Department of Education. Further, complainants have the right to appeal any decision made by the district concerning a complaint to the California Department of Education. (5 CCR Code 4622) You will find the policy, procedures and form at the bottom of this page for you to download.
Williams Uniform Complaint Procedure
The district has established procedures to resolve complaints involving facilities, teacher vacancy or mis-assignment, and facilities. Issues involving instructional materials include no standards-aligned textbooks, unavailability of textbooks due to inadequate supply (for both home and school), and poor or unusable condition. Teacher vacancies include a single designated certificated employee not being assigned at the beginning of the year or semester; a teacher who lacks appropriate credentials; and a mis-assignment is the placement of a certificated employee in a position without the legally recognized certificate or credential. Finally, all school facilities must be clean, safe and in good repair. If you feel the district is not adequately meeting these requirements, you have the right to file a complaint with the principal at your child’s school. Notices to this effect are posted in each classroom. (EC 35186) You will find the policy, procedures and form at the bottom of this page for you to download.