Karen Gray - Board President (Trustee Area 5)
Ms. Karen L. Gray was initially appointed to a vacated seat on the Silver Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees in June 2001. The electorate has allowed Ms. Gray to continue public service for four consecutive terms covering Newberry Springs and areas along the Interstate 40 corridor. Silver Valley Unified School District has five Trustee areas, however, Trustees represent all communities and are elected by constituents throughout Silver Valley. Her current term will expire November 2024.
In addition to local board duties Ms. Gray is elected to serve on the California School Boards Association Board of Directors and San Bernardino County School Boards Association Executive Committee. Public Education legislative advocacy is also provided through supporting San Bernardino County District Advocates for Better Schools and participation with National Association of Federally Impacted Schools. Ms. Gray has long term personal relationships with local, regional, state and federal elected representatives serving multiple sectors of California.
Community service by Ms. Gray has been on going prior to election as a Trustee, service through the SVUSD Budget and Curriculum Instruction Committees, School Site Councils, Yermo II/USP Action Team as well as being named "Champion for Children Volunteer in Action/Community Service 2001". Outside schools Ms. Gray has served Chambers of Commerce for over 15 years and was a Board Member for 6 years in Calimesa, California. For numerous years Ms. Gray participated with the Mojave Water Agency, to include representing the Baja Subarea as a Technical Advisory Committee member. Economic Development has been a significant activity in past years, participating with multiple agencies and business sectors. Ms. Gray brought a particular focus on economic growth through tourism opportunities.
Currently Ms. Gray serves as a civil servant in support of the Marine Corps. After being raised as management in family owned businesses; past self-employment includes Traveler Center Services, a Limited Liability Company, which provided public information within the State Transportation Right of Way. Ms. Gray and husband Dan own Gray Graphix which in the past provided commercial graphic design through multiple products or advertising media. The Gray family manages the ranch which promotes and produces, Alpaca and Catfish. Mr. and Ms. Gray have raised 3 children; Richard, who graduated from Yucaipa High School, Paige, who graduated from Silver Valley High School, and Max who graduated from Calico High School.
You may contact Ms. Gray at the following email address: [email protected]
Dr. Heather Rae Reid - Vice President (Trustee Area 4)
My name is Heather Reid, and I have been a school board member for Silver Valley Unified School District since November 2010. I enjoy serving my community as a board member, and I do my best to listen to every concern and make educated decisions for the betterment of our students. I am a proud graduate of Silver Valley High School where I received an excellent education that set the foundation for me to go on to college and become a teacher and school administrator. I have a Doctorate in Educational Leadership, a Master's degree in Education/Curriculum and Instruction, and a Master's degree in Educational Administration and Supervision. It is an honor to represent our community in helping the school district prepare future graduates for success in life.
Ms. Reid was first elected to the Board on 11/2010. Her current term expires 11/2026. You can contact Mrs. Reid at the following email address: [email protected]
Lynn McKee - Member (Trustee Area 2)
I am Lynn McKee and I was elected to serve as your Board Member on November 7th, 2006. I have lived in Yermo for more than thirty-five years. I have raised seven children; all successfully graduating from Silver Valley Unified School District and five have or are currently serving in US military. I am married to the most wonderful husband, Dave; he is a retired firefighter of the MCLB. I have volunteered in our school district as a classroom parent, site council member, district committee member, parent group member, parent group president, math tutor, reading tutor, science department worker and driver, and sports volunteer where I drove students to their sporting events.
Priorities that I envision for SVUSD are that all students get the best education, better themselves and succeed in life. I am completely committed to the students and what is best for them as individuals. I look forward to working with all district staff to best serve, not only the students, but the staff and the voters too.
Ms. McKee was first elected to the Board on 11/2006. Her current term expires 11/2026. You may contact Ms. McKee at the following email address: [email protected]
Mark Staggs - Clerk of the Board (Trustee Area 3)
My name is Mark Nolan Staggs. I was born in Long Beach, California and after a short stay in the Orange County area my family moved up to the High Desert. I grew up in the Silver Valley Unified School District and attended school here and graduated from Calico High School in 1988. While I attended Calico High School I was working 40 hours a week and graduated early. All three of my children also attended Silver Valley schools. In 1985, I began working in the area and in 1990 I started as a Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic at MCLB Repair Division.
I have been married to my lovely wife Tracy Staggs for twenty years and we have three great children; Brittany Silva is 27, Sasha Staggs, 25 and Christopher Silva, 24 years old. My wife and I also have two grandchildren, Daniel Silva who is almost 2 yrs old and Aubriana Cordova, 15 months. I have served on Daggett's Alternative Education Center Student Site Council as chairperson the last three years, and also served as a director on the Daggett Community Service District 2012. I have served as president of Daggett Chamber of Commerce since 2013 and currently reside in Daggett, California.
Mr. Staggs was first appointed to the Board in October 2015 and elected in November, 2016. His current term expires November 2028.
You may contact Mr. Staggs at the following email address: [email protected]
Brian Boatwright - Member (Trustee Area 1)
Hello, I am Brian Boatwright, and it is a great honor to serve on the school board. I am married with three children; all my children have attended the Silver Valley Unified School District. I moved with my family to the Yermo area in the summer of 2006.
I possess a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in mediation and conflict resolution.
I hope to continue assisting the district in maintaining the excellent reputation that it has forged over the years, with the help of the community, district staff, teachers and the greatest students in the world.
Mr. Boatwright was first appointed to the Board on 6/2010. His current term expires 11/2026. You may contact Mr. Boatwright at the following email address: [email protected] |